Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Amish Country & Quilts ... of course!"

We loved the embossed tiara design here as it reminds us that we can be Prince & Princesses (heirs to all the blessings), the meandering pathway - life and the gospel dependant upon how difficult we make it for ourselves, and the log cabin with the hearth being the central focus (heart) of the home, as the family should be.
After much searching this is the quilt we finally decided upon.

Matthew was so considerate as we planned our holiday, and I thank him for being thoughtful to me as to what makes me creatively happy.

I had such a wonderful time in Nauvoo and also in Lancaster county. Watching the Amish at work and play is heartwarming and everyone is so welcoming and helpful. Both these places are relaxing and inspiring areas for me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Carriages ..."

This is Matthew and I on a carriage ride through Central Park, New York City.
This is one of the many buggies that we saw on our travels throughout our stay in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

What a wonderful trip we are having, visiting all these places and meeting some of the most friendly, loving and obliging new friends we could ever hope to. Even after 3 weeks of holidaying, there are still people fascinated by our accent - so far I have been mistaken for a Kiwi, Pom, South African, and even a soft spoken southerner today as our family attended the Washington DC temple.

Yesterday before leaving Lancaster County (if there was any where in the country I would say to visit for those who love the 'country', I'd say you must go to Lancaster County and especially around the Ronks and Bird in Hand areas, specifically - lots of fabulous country decor for all), we went to the Hershey factory and spent a long time there. As we drove into town on Chocolate Avenue and then turned onto Cocoa Street, and alighted from our car, the smell in the air was of chocolate. TRUE - no fibs!!!

The street lights are in the shape of Hershey's kisses, and the signs on the light poles designating the numbers, are printed on Hershey Kisses shapes. It's kinda like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

There is Hershey Elementary School, Hershey Middle School and Hershey High School.

We have purchased a gorgeous Amish Quilt for our queen bed and it should be ready for us in a few months. It is remarkable to see first hand the beautiful workmanship that goes into them. We met some very cute Amish boys (so shy) and a lovely little girl called, Mary.

If you ever have the blessing of going to Lancaster County, go to a quilt farm called J & B (there are brochures all around on these places), and that is where you shall meet Mary.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Us & Martha in New York!!!"

(1) The girls and I on our way to see our friend, Martha.

(2) This is the photo that was taken whilst we were at the actual taping of the Martha Stewart Show in NY (04/12/11). This is on her facebook page.

(3) This is the contents of the goodies bag that each of us were given after the taping of the show concluded at 3.30pm.

We have had an eventful time whilst in New York city. As we got in late-ish on Monday night, there was not a lot to be done, except check emails, facebook etc and Matthew and India went and got a chilli hot dog from one of the street vendors and some great Gelato and Sorbet ice-cream.

Tuesday was THE day - the tickets that I had hoped to get for the Martha Stewart Show had materialised whilst we were in Los Angeles. Now all we had to do was utilise them.

We caught the subway (dirty, stinky and noisy) to 23rd street and proceeded to make our way to her studio - arrived there at about 9.30am. No one was allowed in until 12.30pm for the 2.pm taping - BUT I was not about to be outdone for front row seats (as you can see from the facebook picture).

There was a taping of her show earlier that morning, but we had the van man out front to keep us amused with his woe-begotten tales of exactly how rude Jack Nicholson can be ... It got over-cast and cold and then started to rain - lucky the van man served up not only food but brollies.

At 12.30pm the stage doors opened and Ashlea, Gabi and I were the first ones into recieve our tickets.

#1 - me #2 - Gabi # 3 - Ashlea

The girls and I waited from 9.30am-ish - 12.30pm to make sure that we had the best seats in the house - which we did. It was a great experience to be there and the goodies were a bonus. The fun of being in a live studio audience, and especially with the 'creative' Martha Stewart and her team of hard-working geniuses - we were ALL like giggly school girls (even the men that were there too).

Whilst we were otherwise occupied Matthew and India roamed the streets of NY and ended up at the Rockefeller Centre - they seemed to enjoy all that was on offer there. They got caught in the freezing NY rain and had to buy hoodies to warm up - Matthew an NYPD and India with a NEW YORK one. They came back to greet us tussled and happy, sporting not only the new hoodies, but very sore feet.

Around 3.30pm we had met up again to retrace our steps back to the motel to get changed for an evening out. We all went for dinner and attened a Broadway show - "Jersey Boys". What an experience that was - Franky Vali music as loud as you wanted!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Coincidence and Sacredness ...'

This is Matthew and I in the Sacred Grove at Palmyra, New York State.

We have been covering a lot of ground and those things that stand upon that ground.
We are in New Jersey just across the river from New York (city). We left Palmyra this morning (after conquering Hill Cumorah) and staying two nights on Temple Road, Palmyra, with the Temple President and Matron. That was unplanned - we had organised to stay at the Palmyra Inn about a 5 minute walk from the Temple, but when we arrived on Saturday afternoon to do baptisms with the girls the Temple President met us as we came out of the Baptistery and asked us to stay with them. They live opposite the Palmyra Stake centre and the temple is a few minutes along, on the same side as the President's home. So we had everything at our disposal. What a blessing that was - saved us a few hundred $'s.

On Sunday after church, we visited the Smith Farm, and strolled through the autumn leaf strewn Sacred Grove, and all the other sites around there, - then travelled out to the Whitmer Farm that night for a private tour of their residence. I believe on Sunday we took 350 photos - on an average day we do about 250.

Prior to our entrance into the Sacred Grove we were counselled by the guiding missionary, that whilst there we should take time to pray about the sacredness of this site. The girls had gone further ahead, but as Matthew and I entered that quiet grove of trees, I had taken no more than 10 steps and an overwhelming feeling descended upon my heart and soul. Tears flowed and quiet words whispered to me "Who could ever walk within this grove and not know that this is sacred ground where eternal life saving revelations were given to the boy-Prophet, Joseph Smith?! You know that this is true - you always have."

Can you believe it - on Sunday after Sacrament, I met up with a friend of mine (who was seated right behind us) - her and her husband used to ferry my Mom, sister and I back and forth to church each Sunday when I was a YSA when my dad refused to drive us. We came all the way to Palmyra to meet up again. I don't know if you are familiar with them - Jeff & Lorraine SHELTON? Actually, it was a coincidence that Lorraine, Martina and Robbie and our family met up. Lorraine was talking to Ashlea about where she was from in OZ and I turned around and we spotted each other at the same time. As Jeff wasn't there Matthew took Robbie to Priesthood with him.

Anyway, we are here until Wednesday (13/04/11) and then we're on to Lancaster Country PENNSYLVANIA (Amish country and quilts and country stuffs). I think I shall need a crate to send home.
While we are here in New York we hope to do a carriage ride through Central Park, the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, a Broadway Show, and possibly more. Tomorrow (12/04/11) though, from 12.30pm to about 3pm Ashlea, Gabi and I have tickets to the Martha Stewart Show taping - so we are all abuzz with that.

Matthew and India have gone out to brave New Jersey at night to get ice cream for all of us and then tomorrow those two are going exploring NY while the rest of us attend the taping.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST isn't a Fast Food Menu"

It has become apparent to me that there are a number of people who are under the impression that they can pick and choose what they want to take, and apply in their lives, from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus far, we have been in all kinds of places, in all kinds of towns and cities, and yet without others knowing who we are and where we are from, (and having a fascination for all things Australian), they are a kind and gospel loving people whether they are of the latter-day saint faith, or otherwise. At many a time these people are more so bearers of the Saviour's name and example, than a lot of latter day saints themselves.
To those who are genuinely converted to the Gospel of our Saviour,
I say 'BRAVO'.
I used to say 'poo poo' to those who would return home from seeing the church history sights as they were having 'to see - to believe.' I can see now why their visits were thus important to them. We have now been to a number of temples here, and had the opportunities (that others may never get) to speak personally with servants of the Lord and hear, see and add witness to their testimonies of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the life-saving Plan of Salvation. I too can also add my witness of the truthfulness of the gospel and the knowledge that our Saviour is indeed that, our Saviour. All those things that are ' ... worthy or of good report, or praiseworthy ...' I seek after these things. The first photograph here is a bronze statue, directly across from the front doors of the Nauvoo Temple, which depicts the Prophet Joseph, and his brother, Hyrum, as Joseph gives his final counsel to the people of Nauvoo, and his and Hyrum's departure for Carthage, and ultimately, their martyrdom. The second photograph is of our family after doing some sight-seeing following a baptistry, and endowment session. It is fabulous to hear the history behind not only the temple and the fact that the font is oval and not circular, just like the original, and that it is built within 4 feet of the original site ... BUT the shopkeepers here bear testimony of the gospel as they speak with each and every customer who enters their premises.
We have learned so much here, and I have witnessed, yet again, the Lord's hand in many things also. I have cried as our daughters have performed saving ordinances for those who have passed on before. I have felt the spirit and happiness of those for whom we have done these sacred ordinances, and held the hand of my eternal companion as we have knelt at the alter of this temple as a witness couple.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

"I Love to See The Temple ..."

"... I'm going there someday. To feel the holy spirit ..." Well, we had the blessing of visiting yet another temple now. Our family goal continues - to share in service where ever we go. This is our family in the visitors centre of the Los Angeles Temple (March 24 2011). There is such constancy and a sense of continuity through out the temples of the world, and thus the effect of eternity can be felt within its hallowed walls. Feeling the nail marks is a reminder of the agony and pain yet the blessings for mankind in His suffering. Past documented accounts show us that our greatest learning experiences are through hurt, suffering and opening our selves up to others and what they may bring into our lives. These are the most profound times of challenge and learning and we should not avoid or shun them. See them as a challenge rather than an obstacle - there is so much good to be had if we but fulfil our destiny as children of God in a positive and resourceful way. Take time for self analysis and don't be quick to assume condemnation and/or judgement where there is none intended. Quick run down - ~ depart Sydney Thurs 24/03/11 -10.20am ~ arrive Los Angeles Thurs 24/03/11 - 6.30am LA time (12 mid night Sydney time) ~ lunch at Hard Rock cafe LA and sight seeing til about 3pm ~ nap from 3.30pm - 4pm ~ 4.30 depart for LA temple to join YSA Baptismal session and attend 8pm prayer meeting with the 70 YSA and the Temple President, President Marsh. ~ back to motel for a no-alarm sleep-in tomorrow morning. ~ Fri 25/03/11 out to Citadel outlets to shop til we drop - what bargains and good quality gear (eg GAP, Nike, Reebok, Converse, Hurly, Champion etc and I found a kitchen shop and the sparkly Cherry Red Kitchenaid Mixer that I have always drooled over.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Up Up and Away with Delta ..."

I'm finding it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that we have only 2 nights left here in Australia. On Sunday, whilst sitting talking with a friend at church, I had one of those sucker- punch kind of moments, when I realised that this time but next week, our family would be sitting in a chapel somewhere in Vancouver (Canada). What a time warp kind of feeling.

We are beyond excitement now - the packing is done, (and everything fits), the care takers, (Matt's Mom and Dad), for our home and pets are in place, the accommodation, cars, passports and visas are all done - we are on a roll.

Tomorrow Matt just has to go to work (but so does Ashlea from 9am - 7pm), and try and finish off some last minute things while people pack up his office around him. His firm is moving and taking over the entire floor upstairs of the building that they're in. Pheweeeee - what a day.

I have some last minute things to do, but if I do it all methodically and to schedule then things will work themselves out.

Remember that old song for Trans Australian Airlines from many years ago "Up Up and Away with TAA - the friendly friendly way ..." well, we shall be doing that, with Delta, come Thursday morning.

So I shall sign off - 'over and out'. ('til later).

Monday, March 14, 2011


What kind you ask? There are many different kinds ...

One recent Sabbath morn I entered the kitchen to India's enquiry "Who made, and what is, this mess, Mom?" She had gone into the pantry there looking for breakfast cereal, and gotten more than she had bargained for. Fruit anyone? ...

Strewn across the floor of the pantry was what looked to be cornflakes, but on closer inspection, I discovered that one of our cartons of food storage (which had been missed in the usual rotation) had exploded, distributing a large quantity of its contents across the floor and up the wall of the pantry. There were a number of objects that had caught the brunt of this mighty onslaught.

Matthew acted as 'garbo' - removed and disposed of the offending items and began the clean-up on the higher shelves. I took over the mopping of the floor and walls.

As I cleaned and mopped the projectiled mess off the floor, it gave me 'food for thought' and I thought of it all as a parable, thus a teaching tool.

It went something like this; the mushy mess flung across the floor of my pantry resembled the 'sanctimonious twaddle' that others like to try and force you to implement into your life. Them believing; that you are not doing the right thing, or teaching and raising your children in the right way, or living your life the way they think you should, or spending your wealth in the best possible and most righteous ways ...

The bucket full of boiling antiseptic water was the means by which to eliminate our pantry of the stinking, squelchy mess that had spread itself far and wide, and to a degree had invaded every little nook and cranny.

On consulting with a number of other folks, (research) I came to this conclusion: Sometimes one just needs to get in with the boiling water and the strongest of antiseptics and clean up and get rid of all that unnecessary mess.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"2 Nephi 9:40"

In personal scripture study this morning, I came across this verse and it reminded me with such powerfulness, that the Atonement is there for all of us - if we but only humble ourselves and accept it into, and as a part of our lives, each, and every, day.

The Atonement gives us not only the blessing of being cleansed, but changed
... if that is what we so desire ...

"O, my beloved brethren, give ear to my words. Remember the greatness of the Holy One of Israel. Do not say that I have spoken hard things against you; for if ye do, ye will revile against the truth; for I have spoken the words of your Maker. I know that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken."

I hurt at time when dear ones of mine tell me the 'truth', but upon reflection, I hope I shall always come to the same conclusion - that they tell me out of love, NOT SPITE.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

People to See - Places to Visit ...

I can hardly believe it - oh sure I can - there are only 19 more sleeps before we fly off into the wild blue yonder.

As we were at the markets today, we had to advise our friends, and associates, that we would not be there in April, but returning in May, and of course that led to the usual query "Oh why? Are you going away somewhere?" Our excitement is hard to contain - eyes popped when we spoke of our impending month-long holiday in the US. Many even said that we were one of a few people that had talked of their upcoming adventures state-side today.

With all the preparations and hub-bub over our adventure together as a family, I was reminded that "... it is not necessarily the places that we go to visit, but whose hand we are holding as we do so..." Our family is broadening its horizons and seeing more of the world and its people. Ok some may see it as a safe bet to go to an English speaking country with similar people, tastes and cultures, but this is just the beginning ...

There is so much more to be experienced, and when the opportunities arise and finances permit - we shall take those blessings and run with them.

*** Watch out world - here we come ***

Monday, February 28, 2011

"3 Weeks & 2 Days ..."

I was up earlier than normal this morning as I saw Matthew off to the airport, (Perth for 3 days on business - and he has just sent me, via email, a gorgeous photo of Scarborough Beach from his Marriott balcony window), guess who forgot his swimmers though - oh well, at least the sharks won't get to nibble on him.

Anyway, I decided with the early start and then the Seminary run, children off to school and work, that I would get a head start on the day. I threw on some laundry after doing a deep clean on the bathroom, and had set my mind-a-working on a P L A N !!! I am going to make two Australian themed mini quilts to give to Auntie Bertha and The Stokers when we go to visit. EEEEeeekkkkkk I have 23 days to do this - are, what the heck I work well under pressure ...

So I did some designing and went to collect what I needed, purchased bulk natural soap from my supplier, placed my order for the man-sized bars of Olive & Fig soap that we have a permanent request for, purchased some Easter things for the children who always come to visit us at the markets. As we won't be there in April I have decided to give people an opportunity to 'shop early'. That was after I dropped Ashlea to work as she had been called in early and they wanted her there ASAP.

Doing all that I did today (collecting ingredients for India's Science experiment due in a week), being a Mom and organising stock for the upcoming market this Saturday ... it was a lovely day though and I accomplished lots, so perhaps when the quilts are done I shall post a photo.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Make a Change for the Better

"We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history." (Sonia Johnson)

Remember Hadassah - Esther, Queen of Persia

*** 28 sleeps to go ***

Life is grand I have decided - watching hot air balloons each morning rise above our house and adorn the rising sun as India and I travel to Seminary, cockatoos flock across the sky to grab their favourite perches in the pine trees at the end of our street, and the autumn glow begins to dot the surrounding landscape.

As Gabi rode off to the station at 6.30am one morning last week, in time to catch the train to work, a small flock of birds flew frantically low across in front of her at the end of our street, and there in hot pursuit was a gorgeous reddy/orange FOX - in our street - what an unexpected and magnificent sight. I knew I should make our new OLYMPUS 4/3 Digital SLR with Pen technology (which has all the insides of a normal DSLR - ALL the benefits without the size) camera a part of my everyday attire (a missed opportunity! Of course, yes, me - running down the street after a fox ... hee hee).

As I think back over the last 5 - 6 months and all that entails, I give a big sigh of relief. There has been a major shift in our family's way of doing things, and thus it has been a LESS highly strung and drama-free household (and extended family) we are a part of. We have eliminated from our lives so many unnecessary irritants, and not so much un-recognised, but tolerated negativity, that we are able to focus more on our lives with the Saviour, and not the dramas of others. Such a weight has been lifted.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"31 Sleeps To Go"

There is an excitable vibe running through our family as we do the "Count Down" to our USA adventure. We will also be in Canada twice as we visit with family in Vancouver, (my Mom's sister-in-law and my 3 cousins). Then we shall stay a while at Niagara Falls - the room that Matthew has booked for us overlooks the falls itself.

ONE WHOLE MONTH ABROAD not having to make beds or meals, feed the pets, do housework. YIPPEEE I O KY YAY !!!

Heavenly Father has truly blessed our family through our life together - we could not have achieved (or survived) any of the things we have, without His love, guidance and comfort.

I feel for those who don't have the luxury of following a dream (travelling) and experiencing a new culture/lifestyle and people. We have worked long and hard for this and we are set to enjoy the 'fruits of our labours'. Our girls are old enough to enjoy this time together as we bond as a family, without all the looking after that little ones demand. It is also a blessing to have loved ones to share all of this with.

Mother Theresa once said that "If you can't feed a hundred people - then feed one".

This is what we are doing with our family - spiritually feeding ourselves (by attending the temple and going to General Conference in SLC) - this is one of many miracles that we've been blessed with.

a little diversion ... I loved the look on India's face today when, on her return from school, I showed her the long awaited, and much desired, 'chocolate hot cross buns' she had been wishing for, ever since they appeared in the stores.
~ Who says you have to grow up? ~

For months now I have been making lists of everything, including the places I wish to visit to feed my country spirit. I've just added another to that list - The Country Porch - in Idaho (www.thecountryporch.com). As we drive from Vancouver down to SLC we will have the opportunity to travel around this area, so I may just have to divert ... I have been searching out curtains for the house and other country accessories - me thinks I have struck GOLD with this place.

The girls have their clothes shopping and the adventure parks in Orlando FL., Matthew has his cars (Detroit), Smithsonian and aerospace museum, and I have my country/scrapping and quilting stores - WE'RE ALL CATERED FOR!!!

Our first night though, in LA, will be spent in the Baptistry of the Los Angeles Temple with a group of other young adults, doing baptisms for the dead. India has also been invited to be a part of this group even though she is not yet 18.

What a BUZZZzzzzzzzz ... What a way to begin our trip ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As the time draws closer for our family get away - the daily routine must proceed. I am so thankful for the blessings in my life. It goes without saying that my membership in the gospel of Jesus Christ is top on my list and my strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, followed extremely closely by my gorgeous husband and daughters.

One thing I am particularly grateful for today, is my hearing. I could hear the magpies calling to each other this morning as I drove India to early morning Seminary. Now as I sit and write I can hear our two cute budgies chirping away to each other (and the other birds outside) as they swing back and forth, and peer at themselves in the mirror in their home. They are so affectionate especially Bubby, the blue male, as he loves to sit upon my shoulder and give me kisses. Boris, the yellow female so named by Ashlea, is getting more confident with us and her navigational skills are so much better - no more bomb-diving into walls, mirrors or windows.

Well it is time for my ever-loving puppies, Buddy and Cookie, to go get their facial hair clipped and butts scraped at the dog parlour. Definitely not something I am looking forward to but, 'someone has to do it!' These two little imps decided that the coolest place to be while the hot weather raged this past week, was smack-bang up against the rainwater tanks in the dirt (but mostly clay) - thus the dog parlour trip today. Hmmmm well - at least in doing this, I know that they are still alive for me to cuddle and enjoy their companionship.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"We're All Going On a ... U.S. Holiday"

Time to freshen things up with
"Parsnip Corner"

I did originally start my blog so as to have another outlet for my art work, but with many months of inactivity with the blog (due to starting my own business), I have decided to combine both the selling and the personal side, for now. SO, it is time to re-decorate - the previous decor was B O R I N G ... so stay tuned for more changes.

Until such time as I get my website completed, I shall combine business with pleasure. My handsome husband, Matthew, has been the driving force behind the business side, and I suppose I am the head of the Creative & Production Teams.

After many years of blood (labour), sweat (dirty nappies) and tears (being part of many wonderful Parsons' family Temple occasions) our family is off to the Americas (and British Columbia - CA) for a month long holiday. We are truly blessed, and are taking the opportunity to visit with my Aunt and 3 cousins while we are in the vicinity. I've had a number of conversations with Auntie Bertha, and she tells me that her and the family are soooooooo very excited that we are coming. Auntie Bertha has been gracious enough to pay for our accommodation - what a true blessing that is. The time is going so very quickly!!!

Ashlea will turn 21 in October 2011, and we feel that this is the ideal time for our family to have a last *** BIG HOORAH *** holiday before she will put her mission papers in. This will be our quality family time together without any dramas or distractions. As I pondered on Ashlea's up coming mission, I was reminded of the fact that I am the only one in my family (that is the Kidcaff's) who ever served an honourable full-time mission and as far as our immediate family here in Sydney goes, Ashlea will be the first out of her sisters to serve a full time mission also. Her and I can be trend-setters. Of course she has many cousins on the Parsons side that have, and are currently serving full time missions, but she will be the first female.

Even as a pre-schooler, Ashlea's favourite News Time items were to sing one of two songs - "I Am A Child Of God" and "I Hope They Call Me On A Mission". The first being her favourite and she has not changed - she loves to share the Gospel with anyone, and was a driving force behind her Ancient History Teacher (Jeff LUMB) coming to have a better understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as far as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints goes.

As we traverse America from West to East we are taking the opportunity as a family to do temple work in each of the cities we stay.

There have been a few challenges over the past months, and I want to let all those people who genuinely love me (and mine) know, that they help me (us) to grow, and to all those who (shall we say) don't like me (or mine), I need them to know, they force me (us) to grow.

Thank you to both, growth (change) is always GOOD.