Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST isn't a Fast Food Menu"

It has become apparent to me that there are a number of people who are under the impression that they can pick and choose what they want to take, and apply in their lives, from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus far, we have been in all kinds of places, in all kinds of towns and cities, and yet without others knowing who we are and where we are from, (and having a fascination for all things Australian), they are a kind and gospel loving people whether they are of the latter-day saint faith, or otherwise. At many a time these people are more so bearers of the Saviour's name and example, than a lot of latter day saints themselves.
To those who are genuinely converted to the Gospel of our Saviour,
I say 'BRAVO'.
I used to say 'poo poo' to those who would return home from seeing the church history sights as they were having 'to see - to believe.' I can see now why their visits were thus important to them. We have now been to a number of temples here, and had the opportunities (that others may never get) to speak personally with servants of the Lord and hear, see and add witness to their testimonies of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the life-saving Plan of Salvation. I too can also add my witness of the truthfulness of the gospel and the knowledge that our Saviour is indeed that, our Saviour. All those things that are ' ... worthy or of good report, or praiseworthy ...' I seek after these things. The first photograph here is a bronze statue, directly across from the front doors of the Nauvoo Temple, which depicts the Prophet Joseph, and his brother, Hyrum, as Joseph gives his final counsel to the people of Nauvoo, and his and Hyrum's departure for Carthage, and ultimately, their martyrdom. The second photograph is of our family after doing some sight-seeing following a baptistry, and endowment session. It is fabulous to hear the history behind not only the temple and the fact that the font is oval and not circular, just like the original, and that it is built within 4 feet of the original site ... BUT the shopkeepers here bear testimony of the gospel as they speak with each and every customer who enters their premises.
We have learned so much here, and I have witnessed, yet again, the Lord's hand in many things also. I have cried as our daughters have performed saving ordinances for those who have passed on before. I have felt the spirit and happiness of those for whom we have done these sacred ordinances, and held the hand of my eternal companion as we have knelt at the alter of this temple as a witness couple.