Saturday, March 26, 2011

"I Love to See The Temple ..."

"... I'm going there someday. To feel the holy spirit ..." Well, we had the blessing of visiting yet another temple now. Our family goal continues - to share in service where ever we go. This is our family in the visitors centre of the Los Angeles Temple (March 24 2011). There is such constancy and a sense of continuity through out the temples of the world, and thus the effect of eternity can be felt within its hallowed walls. Feeling the nail marks is a reminder of the agony and pain yet the blessings for mankind in His suffering. Past documented accounts show us that our greatest learning experiences are through hurt, suffering and opening our selves up to others and what they may bring into our lives. These are the most profound times of challenge and learning and we should not avoid or shun them. See them as a challenge rather than an obstacle - there is so much good to be had if we but fulfil our destiny as children of God in a positive and resourceful way. Take time for self analysis and don't be quick to assume condemnation and/or judgement where there is none intended. Quick run down - ~ depart Sydney Thurs 24/03/11 -10.20am ~ arrive Los Angeles Thurs 24/03/11 - 6.30am LA time (12 mid night Sydney time) ~ lunch at Hard Rock cafe LA and sight seeing til about 3pm ~ nap from 3.30pm - 4pm ~ 4.30 depart for LA temple to join YSA Baptismal session and attend 8pm prayer meeting with the 70 YSA and the Temple President, President Marsh. ~ back to motel for a no-alarm sleep-in tomorrow morning. ~ Fri 25/03/11 out to Citadel outlets to shop til we drop - what bargains and good quality gear (eg GAP, Nike, Reebok, Converse, Hurly, Champion etc and I found a kitchen shop and the sparkly Cherry Red Kitchenaid Mixer that I have always drooled over.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Up Up and Away with Delta ..."

I'm finding it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that we have only 2 nights left here in Australia. On Sunday, whilst sitting talking with a friend at church, I had one of those sucker- punch kind of moments, when I realised that this time but next week, our family would be sitting in a chapel somewhere in Vancouver (Canada). What a time warp kind of feeling.

We are beyond excitement now - the packing is done, (and everything fits), the care takers, (Matt's Mom and Dad), for our home and pets are in place, the accommodation, cars, passports and visas are all done - we are on a roll.

Tomorrow Matt just has to go to work (but so does Ashlea from 9am - 7pm), and try and finish off some last minute things while people pack up his office around him. His firm is moving and taking over the entire floor upstairs of the building that they're in. Pheweeeee - what a day.

I have some last minute things to do, but if I do it all methodically and to schedule then things will work themselves out.

Remember that old song for Trans Australian Airlines from many years ago "Up Up and Away with TAA - the friendly friendly way ..." well, we shall be doing that, with Delta, come Thursday morning.

So I shall sign off - 'over and out'. ('til later).

Monday, March 14, 2011


What kind you ask? There are many different kinds ...

One recent Sabbath morn I entered the kitchen to India's enquiry "Who made, and what is, this mess, Mom?" She had gone into the pantry there looking for breakfast cereal, and gotten more than she had bargained for. Fruit anyone? ...

Strewn across the floor of the pantry was what looked to be cornflakes, but on closer inspection, I discovered that one of our cartons of food storage (which had been missed in the usual rotation) had exploded, distributing a large quantity of its contents across the floor and up the wall of the pantry. There were a number of objects that had caught the brunt of this mighty onslaught.

Matthew acted as 'garbo' - removed and disposed of the offending items and began the clean-up on the higher shelves. I took over the mopping of the floor and walls.

As I cleaned and mopped the projectiled mess off the floor, it gave me 'food for thought' and I thought of it all as a parable, thus a teaching tool.

It went something like this; the mushy mess flung across the floor of my pantry resembled the 'sanctimonious twaddle' that others like to try and force you to implement into your life. Them believing; that you are not doing the right thing, or teaching and raising your children in the right way, or living your life the way they think you should, or spending your wealth in the best possible and most righteous ways ...

The bucket full of boiling antiseptic water was the means by which to eliminate our pantry of the stinking, squelchy mess that had spread itself far and wide, and to a degree had invaded every little nook and cranny.

On consulting with a number of other folks, (research) I came to this conclusion: Sometimes one just needs to get in with the boiling water and the strongest of antiseptics and clean up and get rid of all that unnecessary mess.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"2 Nephi 9:40"

In personal scripture study this morning, I came across this verse and it reminded me with such powerfulness, that the Atonement is there for all of us - if we but only humble ourselves and accept it into, and as a part of our lives, each, and every, day.

The Atonement gives us not only the blessing of being cleansed, but changed
... if that is what we so desire ...

"O, my beloved brethren, give ear to my words. Remember the greatness of the Holy One of Israel. Do not say that I have spoken hard things against you; for if ye do, ye will revile against the truth; for I have spoken the words of your Maker. I know that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken."

I hurt at time when dear ones of mine tell me the 'truth', but upon reflection, I hope I shall always come to the same conclusion - that they tell me out of love, NOT SPITE.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

People to See - Places to Visit ...

I can hardly believe it - oh sure I can - there are only 19 more sleeps before we fly off into the wild blue yonder.

As we were at the markets today, we had to advise our friends, and associates, that we would not be there in April, but returning in May, and of course that led to the usual query "Oh why? Are you going away somewhere?" Our excitement is hard to contain - eyes popped when we spoke of our impending month-long holiday in the US. Many even said that we were one of a few people that had talked of their upcoming adventures state-side today.

With all the preparations and hub-bub over our adventure together as a family, I was reminded that "... it is not necessarily the places that we go to visit, but whose hand we are holding as we do so..." Our family is broadening its horizons and seeing more of the world and its people. Ok some may see it as a safe bet to go to an English speaking country with similar people, tastes and cultures, but this is just the beginning ...

There is so much more to be experienced, and when the opportunities arise and finances permit - we shall take those blessings and run with them.

*** Watch out world - here we come ***