Monday, March 14, 2011


What kind you ask? There are many different kinds ...

One recent Sabbath morn I entered the kitchen to India's enquiry "Who made, and what is, this mess, Mom?" She had gone into the pantry there looking for breakfast cereal, and gotten more than she had bargained for. Fruit anyone? ...

Strewn across the floor of the pantry was what looked to be cornflakes, but on closer inspection, I discovered that one of our cartons of food storage (which had been missed in the usual rotation) had exploded, distributing a large quantity of its contents across the floor and up the wall of the pantry. There were a number of objects that had caught the brunt of this mighty onslaught.

Matthew acted as 'garbo' - removed and disposed of the offending items and began the clean-up on the higher shelves. I took over the mopping of the floor and walls.

As I cleaned and mopped the projectiled mess off the floor, it gave me 'food for thought' and I thought of it all as a parable, thus a teaching tool.

It went something like this; the mushy mess flung across the floor of my pantry resembled the 'sanctimonious twaddle' that others like to try and force you to implement into your life. Them believing; that you are not doing the right thing, or teaching and raising your children in the right way, or living your life the way they think you should, or spending your wealth in the best possible and most righteous ways ...

The bucket full of boiling antiseptic water was the means by which to eliminate our pantry of the stinking, squelchy mess that had spread itself far and wide, and to a degree had invaded every little nook and cranny.

On consulting with a number of other folks, (research) I came to this conclusion: Sometimes one just needs to get in with the boiling water and the strongest of antiseptics and clean up and get rid of all that unnecessary mess.

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