Monday, February 21, 2011

"31 Sleeps To Go"

There is an excitable vibe running through our family as we do the "Count Down" to our USA adventure. We will also be in Canada twice as we visit with family in Vancouver, (my Mom's sister-in-law and my 3 cousins). Then we shall stay a while at Niagara Falls - the room that Matthew has booked for us overlooks the falls itself.

ONE WHOLE MONTH ABROAD not having to make beds or meals, feed the pets, do housework. YIPPEEE I O KY YAY !!!

Heavenly Father has truly blessed our family through our life together - we could not have achieved (or survived) any of the things we have, without His love, guidance and comfort.

I feel for those who don't have the luxury of following a dream (travelling) and experiencing a new culture/lifestyle and people. We have worked long and hard for this and we are set to enjoy the 'fruits of our labours'. Our girls are old enough to enjoy this time together as we bond as a family, without all the looking after that little ones demand. It is also a blessing to have loved ones to share all of this with.

Mother Theresa once said that "If you can't feed a hundred people - then feed one".

This is what we are doing with our family - spiritually feeding ourselves (by attending the temple and going to General Conference in SLC) - this is one of many miracles that we've been blessed with.

a little diversion ... I loved the look on India's face today when, on her return from school, I showed her the long awaited, and much desired, 'chocolate hot cross buns' she had been wishing for, ever since they appeared in the stores.
~ Who says you have to grow up? ~

For months now I have been making lists of everything, including the places I wish to visit to feed my country spirit. I've just added another to that list - The Country Porch - in Idaho ( As we drive from Vancouver down to SLC we will have the opportunity to travel around this area, so I may just have to divert ... I have been searching out curtains for the house and other country accessories - me thinks I have struck GOLD with this place.

The girls have their clothes shopping and the adventure parks in Orlando FL., Matthew has his cars (Detroit), Smithsonian and aerospace museum, and I have my country/scrapping and quilting stores - WE'RE ALL CATERED FOR!!!

Our first night though, in LA, will be spent in the Baptistry of the Los Angeles Temple with a group of other young adults, doing baptisms for the dead. India has also been invited to be a part of this group even though she is not yet 18.

What a BUZZZzzzzzzzz ... What a way to begin our trip ...